Add, Edit, or Delete Services

Build or edit your service menu in Bukkii.

  • You can add an unlimited number of services to your Bukkii account. Each service can be booked through your calendar and Booking Page.

Adding a New Service

  1. Go to "Services" and click '+ Add Service' in the top right corner.

  2. Enter the service name, service description, price, service duration, buffer time, and category.

  3. Assign staff members to provide this service. This is necessary to make the service bookable.

  4. Click 'Save,' and the service is ready for customers to choose.

Edit Service

  1. Go to "Services" and find the service you want to edit.

  2. Click on the service you want to edit, and the service details will appear.

  3. Update what is necessary and click 'Save' when you are finished.

Delete Service

  1. Go to "Services" and find the service you want to delete.

  2. Click on the "red trash can icon" to the right of that service. Then, click "Delete."

Last updated